Thursday, June 26, 2014


Matt & Jamie had been through enough with the loss of their first pregnancy. So when they were blessed with TWO little miracles soon thereafter, getting out and photographing Jamie with her big belly was a must. I met them at my studio then we packed up and left. We had three locations in mind but only made it to two. The first location was Reservoir Park across from York College.

Little did we know that we would have to park and walk to reach the area I wanted to shoot in. For anyone who has been to Reservoir Park, you know how long of a walk it is. But Jamie was a trooper, besides carrying herself she had to carry 2 boys and those 2 boys went along for the ride, kicking and stretching tossing and turning. If you were there you would have never noticed because she carries those boys well. Congratulations to Matt & Jamie on their twin boys who will be here soon. To God be the glory!

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I got these shots at York's First Friday of June. Every first Friday all of the artists come out and make art in the streets. The stores stay open a few hours longer, and everyone gets together for a fun time. The city of York diverts traffic around this area so that everyone is able to walk in the street. It's a fun time to meet and greet and see all the artists. If you're ever in the area on the First Friday of the month don't hesitate to come down. I'm sure you will enjoy the arts as I do.

To see more visit me on Flickr.